Thursday, April 23, 2015

A Rose is a Rose, unless it's Rosemount

Front of Rosemount Museum
For $6.00 I can visit a Pueblo landmark with ghosts, history and who knows what else. What a bargain! I can't believe I've never taken the time to visit this historic mansion. I've drove by it many times heading to Parkview Hospital. I've stopped to take some photos, because it looks cool, But never have I stopped and spent some time viewing the grounds. That lackadaisical attitude must change. The Rosemount Museum boasts 37 rooms that was completed  in 1893.
Side view of Rosemount

This house was built for John and Margaret Thatcher. John was a school teacher turned general store owner in Pueblo. John and a brother opened the First National Bank of Pueblo in 1871. Margaret was also a school teacher. She quit when she got married. I'm glad I didn't do that, but I suppose it was common in 1866. She had her say in the construction of Rosemount.
I've heard from some sources that there's no photography allowed in the museum. I will verify that later. There are reports of benign ghosts at the Rosemount. I'll report my findings as soon as I'm able. I'm excited to see some more history of Pueblo and maybe I'll be scared, too. Now if only I can convince my brother to go with me... Suggestions would be appreciated. Until next time.

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